I'm Not Failing
I'm Not Failing
I'm Emerging

I'm Emerging

#006 - I'm Not Failing...I'm Emerging

In this episode I talk about the last few months and how I feel it has begun a new EMERGENCE.

I talk about how:  

  • I recently had colo-rectal surgery that has connected me to deeper parts of myself.

  • I have been emotionally pregnant for the last few years and the last few months has felt like a kind of emotional labor.

  • My car was broken into and the only thing really cared about was my lost keychain from my dad and how I am mourning him while he's still alive.

  • My dad was rarely recognized in his fullness as as singer, performer, and connector because of our family's narcissistic family structure.

  • I want to live in my fullness in the creative and connecting ways my dad never did.

  • The time is NOW!

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I'm Not Failing
I'm Not Failing
I'M NOT FAILING is a creative platform in which I am using my spoken, written, musical, and visual VOICES to tell the TRUTH about being the daughter of a mother with NARCISSISTIC PERSONALITY DISORDER and HEALING from the COMPLEX TRAUMA inherent to my family of origin's isolated and abusive family structure.
I’m Elizabeth. I am a modern, multi-faceted, middle-aged woman.
A LOT of different (overlapping and sometimes conflicting) labels and titles can describe me...MUSICIAN, WRITER, ACTOR, EDUCATOR, ACTIVIST, MOTHER, WIFE, FRIEND, NIECE, Emotional EMBODIMENT CHEERLEADER, and TRUTH-TELLER feel the most important to me now.
I spent a lot of my life feeling like I was failing at EVERYTHING. No matter what.
When things were hard, I felt it was exactly what I deserved. When things were easy, I obsessed about when everything would collapse so I could get back to things being hard (and exactly what I deserved).
Some of this angst was just part of life and learning, but a lot of it, as it turns out, was NOT normal. I was actually (not) dealing with COMPLEX TRAUMA from growing up within an isolated narcissistic family structure centered around my mother’s untreated NARCISSISTIC PERSONALITY DISORDER.
A few years ago I started telling the truth about how I grew up and began the process of actively reparenting myself.
It turns out that when we tell the truth about the bad stuff we can finally tell the truth about the good stuff too!
So here I am - feeling more ELECTRIC at this stage of my life than I ever have - USING MY VOICE to finally TAKE UP SPACE on the center stage in my own life!
I’m Elizabeth. I'm Not Failing...I AM.
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